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Business Administration at Webster University Library

Company information & directories

Information on large- to mid-sized companies

Directories to find small-, mid- and large companies

Use these databases if you want to find companies in a specific geographic location in the United States.

Searching Business Insights: Global for company information

  1. When you have accessed the database, you may type the name or ticker symbol into the company search box.
  2. Select your target company from the results list. 
  3. From the company profile, you may link to:

The Business Insights Global home page showing a company name search.

Finding small to large companies using Reference Solutions

Finding small to large companies using Reference Solutions

Reference Solutions is our best database directory for finding small, medium, and large companies in the United States. An advanced search allows one to search across data fields to narrow results, for example to a companies in a specific industry in a geographic area.

  1. Once you have accessed the database, from the U.S. Businesses database select Search.
  2. Use the Advanced Search tab to search across data fields
  3. Select the fields you want to search from the left menu. In the image below, we've selected:
    1. Business Type to search for an industry by Keyword/SIC/NAICS and
    2. Geography (e.g. state, city, metro area, zipcode, etc.)
  4. Once you have selected the field, the middle box will prompt you to search or brows for the values you want. In the image below, we've entered:
    1. Restaurants in the Business Type keyword search box and limited to Search Primary SIC Only
    2. From the Geography field, we'll check the Metro Area box and browse by State and then Metro Area.  
  5. Use the Results box to the right of the search form (not pictured in the image below) to View Results of your search.