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Anthropology and Sociology at Webster University Library

Department of Global Languages, Cultures and Societies

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Browse by call number: Anthropology

Most books on the subject of Anthropology are located on Level 3 of Emerson Library in section GN. If you are on another campus with a physical collection, you will also look for section GN.

GN 1-890: Anthropology

General Sections
Call number Subject
GN 49-298 Physical Anthropology, Somatology
GN 301-674 Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology
GN 406-517 Cultural Traits, Customs, and Institutions
More Specific Sections
Call Number Subject
GN 51-59 Anthropometry
GN 62.8-265 Human Variation
GN 269-279 Race
GN 280.7 Man as an Animal
GN 281-289 Human Evolution
GN 282-286.7 Human Paleontology
GN 296-296.5 Medical Anthropology
GN 357-367 Culture and Cultural Processes
GN 378-396 Collected Ethnographies
GN 397-397.7 Applied Anthropology
GN 406-442 Material Culture, Technology
GN 448-450.8 Economic Anthropology
GN 451-477.7 Intellectual Life
GN 478-491.7 Social Organization
GN 492-495.2 Political Anthropology
GN 495.4-498 Societal Groups
GN 502-517 Psychological Anthropology
GN 537-674 Ethnic Groups and Races
GN 550-674 By Region or Country
GN 700-890 Prehistoric Archaeology

About call numbers

Libraries use a system to organize materials so that books on the same topic are grouped together on the shelves. To learn more, see how to read call numbers in an academic library.

Browse by call number: Sociology

Most books on the subject of Sociology are located on Level 3 of Emerson Library in section HM. If you are on another campus with a physical collection, you will also look for section HM.

HM 1-1281: Sociology

Call Number Subject
HM 435-477 History of Sociology
HM 481-554 Theory
HM 621-656 Culture
HM 661-696 Social Control
HM 701 Social Systems
HM 706 Social Structure
HM 711-806 Groups and Organizations
HM 811-821 Deviant Behavior
HM 826 Social Institutions
HM 831-901 Social Change
HM 1001-1281 Social Psychology

About call numbers

Libraries use a system to organize materials so that books on the same topic are grouped together on the shelves. To learn more, see how to read call numbers in an academic library.